Worry, worry worry
Humdrum daily bother
Spinning, spinning, spinning
My head is spinning spinning spinning
I am going to die one day
Everybody dies one day
Does everybody freak out?
I am pretty freaked out
Does everybody freak out?
Because I am pretty freaked out

When all these things keep you up all night
What can you do?
What can you do?
When everything keeps you awake all night
What can you do?
What can you do?
Well you can dream
You can imagine things
Fantasy is healthy
Fantasy is healthy
You can dream
You can create things in your mind
Fantasy is healthy
Fantasy is healthy

the ancient harp

I’m sorting out the ash from the sand in the incense jar with a minuscule metal rake

Do crows intimidate the hawk?

Is BITCH SEEKS BRAT still in the classifieds?

I’m picking up from where I left off

You got a fucking problem with that?

I’m trying to figure out what made my real or metaphorical heart stop

The ancient harp was found deep in the kudzu patch where the quibbling wizards buried it

When I heard it sing again I cried

I hadn’t cried since my cat Bobo died

I certainly don’t cry about you and me

Only what’s symbolic

Occasionally these concerns are rendered moot by an unmitigated moment of pure joy

The hardest test don’t get a grade
At least that’s what I think you told me that you heard her say
There was something about a Volkswagen
Bleached out animal skeletons sitting by the road in the Texas sun

Dirty kids by the pool will be all day
Run through subjects until there is nothing to say
Never even saw the mystery lights
You never saw the mystery lights

Well you never saw the mystery lights
I tell you my brother I am headed down to Marfa to look for them
Because when I get an idea in my head
It doesn’t matter one lick if it’s impossible, improbable, delusory or some kind of scam

I’m the dirty kid by the pool; I’ll be here all day
I’ll start whistling some weird tune when there’s nothing to say
Bleached out animal skeletons sitting by the road in the Texas sun

I think I see the mystery lights! Can you see the mystery lights?
I think I see the mystery lights! Can you see the mystery lights?

The eagle’s claw would pierce his eye
As he is lifted above the dry and desolate plain
And he would never be as high as the hour when his feet would not walk the Earth again

Dirty kids, dirty old men, by the pool
Be here all day — always been the rule
Bleached out animal skeletons sitting by the road in the Texas sun

I think I see the mystery lights! Can you see the mystery lights?